How to Contact Us
The PA Gaming Control Board operates out of a central office in Harrisburg and three regional offices. In addition, our Bureau of Hearings and Appeals operates from a separate office in Harrisburg. You can choose to contact the appropriate office that you believe would be most helpful, or you can complete the email request below and your message will be forwarded the appropriate staff person.
If you are looking to file a Complaint/Dispute click here
Our normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST
Main Office
PA Gaming Control Board
303 Walnut Street
Commonwealth Tower, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: (717) 346-8300
Main Fax: (717) 346-8350
Licensing Fax: (717) 703-2988
Office of Enforcement Counsel
Fax: (717) 214-5467
Human Resources
Fax: (717) 703-2986
Bureau of Investigations and Enforcement
Fax: (717) 214-9292
Hearings and Appeals Office
303 Walnut Street
2nd Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: (717) 265-7451
Fax: (717) 265-7416
Email: Boardclerk@pa.gov
(At the top of the escalators by the food court)
Northeast PA Regional Office
Phone: (717) 346-8300
Fax: (570) 822-2758
Southeast PA Regional Office
Phone: (717) 346-8300
Fax: (610) 943-7400
Western PA Regional Office
Phone: (717) 346-8300
Fax: (412) 928-5735
Want to connect or have a question?