A public hearing regarding the casino license renewal for Parx Casino will be held on Thursday April 3, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. The public, community groups, and public officials may participate either through the submission of written comments or by speaking at the hearing.
This registration / comment form gives an individual, or group, the capability to submit comments online, or to register to speak during the hearing:
- Those interested in addressing the Board on can do so by completing the online form below and following the steps. Registration to speak must be submitted through this site no later than Tuesday April 1st at noon.
- The capability to submit written comments online can be accessed below, as well. Written comments will be accepted online until April 1st.
- In addition to submission through this web site, written comments may be mailed to:
PA Gaming Control Board, c/o Board Clerk
303 Walnut Street, Commonwealth Tower, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101
or faxed to 717-346-8350 or emailed to: boardclerk@pa.gov by the same closing date and time.