Requested: 1. All inquiries that the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has received during the past three years from any Pennsylvania citizen or company, whether sent by email or postal mail, in any format, concerning the legality of and/or licensing requirements for any existing or proposed internet gaming site or mobile phone app.
2. For the inquiries received in #1, all written responses to the inquiries communicated by the PGCB or its legal counsel. The name and addresses of persons or companies making the inquiries may be redacted. Any identifying product or service information may be redacted. We have no need of such identifying information.
3. Any memoranda, briefs, advisory or opinion letters, position statements or other communications provided by the PGCB to Pennsylvania State Police, judiciary, or other state or federal agencies during the last 3 years concerning the legality of and/or licensing requirements for any existing or proposed internet gaming site or mobile phone app.
4. Any other documents authored by or on behalf of the PGCB concerning the legality and/or licensing requirements for any existing or proposed internet gaming site or mobile phone app.