
Author: admin

1. A copy of all documents governing the acquisition of Louis deNaples' 100% ownership interest in the Mount Airy Casino by the Grantor Trust - II of Lisa A. DeNaples on September 30, 2009, including but not limited to, any debt-instrument(s) (e.g. Note) related to subject transactions; 

2. A copy of all documents governing the acquisition of the Mount Airy Casino to to trusts established for the benefit of Lisa DeNaples’ siblings and nieces and nephews, including but not limited to, any debt instrument(s) (e.g., Note) related to subject transactions;

3. All annual audited financial statements for the Mount Airy Casino since inception (2007);

4. Copies of all personal financial statements and/or personal disclosure forms submitted to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board by any direct or indirect owners of the Mount Airy Casino since inception (2007).

5. Copies of any/all valuations (business, real estate and/or intangible) prepared for or relating to, the Mount Airy Casino since inception (2007); and,

6. Copies of any/all written offers, including any/all notifications to the Bureau and the Bureau of Licensing of any proposed or contemplated changes of control of Mount Airy Casino, to purchase any stake in the Mount Airy Casino since inception (2007).

Responsive documents were provided except for confidential information for requests #1, #2, and #6. Denied as to requests #3 and #4. No documents exist in #5.